Feast of the Epiphany

Happy New Year, brothers and sisters!

What an occasion we have to rejoice “exceedingly with great joy,” just like the Wise Men did when they saw the star (Mt 2:10 RSV). Unto us a Savior is born! Moreover, God has graciously gifted us the beginning of a new year. Pause for a moment and reflect on all the reasons He has given you to rejoice this past year. How generous and merciful is our God! That He would humble Himself and come to us as a child, a child that would be threatened by others like King Herod. Nonetheless, this child was a guiding light to the Three Wise Men, and still is our guiding light in the darkness. Just like the Wise Men desperately sought to find Jesus then, we should desperately seek to find and know Jesus now, for apart from Him, we can do nothing (John 15:5 RSV). Upon finding Jesus with our Blessed Mother Mary, the Wise Men fell down and worshipped Him, and showered Him in gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. What gifts fit for a King! However, Jesus isn’t asking us for these. He is instead asking for a gift of self. Accept His invitation and give your all to Him! Jesus wants to meet you where you are. He already knows everything about you, and He doesn’t want to take anything from you. We are the ones who get to receive when we make a gift of ourselves to the Lord, whether it be through prayer, or by serving our neighbor. As we enter this new year and celebrate the Epiphany, let us think of the ways in which we can joyfully give a gift of self to Jesus. O Come let us adore Him, Christ, the Lord!

Giulia Mazzarelli, Penn FOCUS Missionary


The Baptism of The Lord


Holy Family Sunday