5–Year Strategic Plan

“A Church that goes out”

We’re so excited to share launch our new 5-year Strategic Plan: “A Church that goes out”! These past several years have been transformational here at Newman, as we went from having about 100 people involved with weekly small groups to over 340! When you include young adults & adults, there are more than 470 people connected to weekly faith-sharing groups!

Together with FOCUS missionaries, the brothers have learned a model for forming young people as “missionary disciples.” That is our mission, which comes from Pope Francis’ call for us to be a “Church that goes out.” We are all missionary disciples who encounter the Lord Jesus, grow in the Christian life, and discover a call to serve the Lord and his Church. 

Our vision for the next 5 years is one of growth: to become a “fully alive apostolic community fostering each person's call to live the Church's mission of transforming the world.” We envision this growth in the number of people 1) coming to Mass, 2) going to weekly small groups, and 3) leading their peers.

In order to accomplish our goals & objectives, we have brought together a talented group of Newman alumni and friends in a newly formed Newman Advisory Council. We are looking to double our fundraising efforts over the next years, and will look to hire professionals to help us sustain our ministry growth.  

You can help! Do you believe in the power of young people to transform our society? Join our mission! Hundreds of Newman students need your support.

Advisory Council

In January some of our alumni approached the Newman leaders with the desire to give back. Having seen the fruits of the ministry from the past several years, they wanted to support our mission. In addition to their financial support, they offered to bring together a group of talented alumni and friends who could offer their professional experience to help accomplish Newman’s goals.

In July we inaugurated our first Newman Advisory Council, with 8 members from diverse cultural & generational backgrounds. From former Penn Wharton Dean Pat Harker to recent graduate Eugene Enclona, we have a mix of perspectives and professional talent.

Strategic Plan 

Over the past 9 months, our team has also gone through a strategic planning process with the help of consultants, engaging our students, alumni, & friends to “dream big” about Newman. What would you like to see at Newman if you came back in 5 or 10 years? A Church overflowing with young people… a culture of youth sharing the Gospel with their peers… We received amazing feedback and ideas, which became the foundation for our 5-year Plan.