Holy Family Sunday

Dear Friends,

Happy Feast of the Holy Family! It’s almost impossible to imagine what life was like for this small and poor, yet royal and heavenly family. That being said, I’d like to pay attention to one line that I think has something for all of us to note in our different, yet incredible, Christian lives.

“... and [Jesus] was obedient to them [Mary & Joseph].” - Lk 2:51

Last month we celebrated the feast of Christ the King. Jesus was, is, and will forever be the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Over me, over you, over your neighbor, and yes, even over Mary and Joseph. So then why was He obedient to Mary and Joseph, holy as they were? My claim is this: Jesus is teaching us, in his earthly life, the disposition of a true leader, which is humble obedience. Outside of God the Father, all of us come from, or have been begotten by, someone other than ourselves. This is true biologically, societally, economically, spiritually, etc. There is simply no such thing as the “self-made man.” As a result, Jesus shows us in His life on earth, that as He goes forth to lead us into the Kingdom of Heaven, He is doing so under the guidance of His Father’s will, in whom He was begotten. We know then that Christ’s obedience to the Father’s will is also the source of His effectiveness as a leader. Christ’s human nature comes humbly from Mary, and He “advanced in wisdom and age and favor” in obedience under the tutelage of St. Joseph for thirty years. This is how the King of kings prepared Himself to then lead His people out slavery to sin and death.

Therefore, brothers and sisters, let us allow the image of Christ’s participation in family life, both within the Trinity and within the Holy Family, to help us to consider how we are called to be leaders, who are first obedient to the Father and His will, and who are secondly obedient to the earthly people in our life who can help us on the journey to Heaven. It is from this humble obedience, that we with Christ, can go out to lead others and “make disciples of all nations.” - Mt 28:19

In Christ,

Timothy Broderick, Penn FOCUS Team Director


Feast of the Epiphany


Christmas Day