Fourth Advent of Sunday, 12/20

In today’s Gospel reading we find a familiar reading—the annunciation to Mary by the angel Gabriel. When we encounter these classic readings it is a common temptation to read or listen to them without letting them move us since we already know what they will say. And while this is a normal human reaction, it in no way minimizes the importance and gravity of the singular moment that the Gospel illustrates in such detail.

Let there be no mistake, the future of all humanity hung in a balance during this eternally fateful moment: would Mary of Nazareth, daughter of Joachim and Anne, accept the fate of having her life turned upside down by bearing the Son of God and becoming the mother of her own creator? This is the decisive moment which Saint Bernard of Clairvaux described in such apprehensive detail as if the whole world and all the angels were holding their breath in anxious anticipation for Mary’s response. In a desperate attempt of encouragement to Mary, the cosmos exclaimed, “answer quickly, O Virgin! Reply in haste… Breathe a passing word, embrace the eternal Word! Believe, give praise, and receive. Let humility be bold, let modesty be confident!”

To our greatest joy, and for our salvation Mary replies in such elegant simplicity, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” Thanks be to God that we have a heavenly mother that was courageous enough to selflessly lay down her own life that the eternal plan of God may be accomplished in all of our lives. May she intercede for us as we approach Christmas so that we may also have the courage to do the same.

Michael Gokie, SCV


The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, 12/27


Third Sunday of Advent, 12/13