Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Friends,

In today's Gospel from Matthew, Jesus gives us a great challenge. He invites us to go deeper with our moral convictions and it's challenging! Jesus pushes us to grow in virtue, to raise the bar, to take the next step to be even better. God, in His mercy, constantly and gently pushes us. Our spiritual and moral lives should be dynamic, not stagnant. If we earnestly ask the Lord in prayer how we can grow, He will guide you and prompt you. May we be attentive to the ways that God is asking us to go deeper! May we not be content with how we are but strive to reform ourselves and grow in virtue! As we approach the season of Lent, this is a great time to reflect on our lives, our decisions, our habits, and ask God where He wants to challenge us. In what ways have we become lukewarm or lazy? What temptations do we give into that we should be fighting harder? Where have we felt the prodding of the Holy Spirit but we've ignored Him or delayed a response?

Today, let us renew our zeal for growth and virtue! And be grateful for a God that continues to shape us and challenge us to be the men and women He created us to be!

May God bless you,

Amy Bishop


Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time


Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Tine