The Epiphany of the Lord

Dear brothers and sisters,

Happy NEW year! I hope this 2023 is very blessed to all of you. 

Today we celebrate in one of the Bible passages that our emeritus Pope Benedict XVI, who just passed away, used to love! There is much to unpack here. Maybe one of the reasons he enjoyed this passage so much is because of his academic background and love of Truth. 

Here we see the human effort to try to find God (sometimes more or less aware of it). The Magi were astronomers, scientists, persons who were trying to discover truth through the different manifestations we can observe in nature, and in doing so they found the Truth. They did something truly amazing as many brothers and sisters today do as well in the study of the different phenomenons our beautiful nature created by God gives us. All in nature end up pointing to God. Through the study of stars they managed to discover when the king of the Jews would be born. But it was more than that. Judea was not important enough to cross the whole Arabic desert. This king was going to be a very special one. This is the king who would bring peace to the whole world.

Now, it is very significant how they found Jesus: In the hands of Mary! Mary is the one who brings Jesus to all. That is why one of her titles is seat of Wisdom: Sede Sapiencia (as you can see in the image above). Mary will always guide us to the Truth and it is so telling that the Magi kneel and homage our Lord as they recognize the greatness of who they have in front of them even though he is not in a huge palace. Mary also teaches us to see the greatness of God in the ordinary small things. 

May you have a blessed Epiphany Sunday!

Fr. Carlos


Second Sunday in Ordinary Time


Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God