Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

In most adventure or “quest” movies, there’s a scene before the action where THE CREW ASSEMBLES. An unlikely band of friends or strangers realizes they are all after the same thing, and they become a unit ready for the challenge. When Luke and Leia link up with Chewy and Han Solo, when Dorothy gathers her friends in Oz, when the Fellowship of the Ring forms etc….I always get so amped up watching these scenes. There is something so hopeful and exciting about a team of misfits uniting around a common mission.

I get a similar feeling listening to today’s Gospel. When Jesus hears that John has been arrested, he begins to set his public mission into motion, heading to Capernaum and directly fulfilling the prophecy we hear in the first reading. He then begins gathering his unlikely band of misfits, starting with these ordinary fishermen who have no great aspirations of travel or adventure. But when Jesus calls them, something stirs in them to want to know him and join him on mission. And something should stir in all of us! Unlike the momentary thrill of those movies, Jesus’ call to “come after him” is one that echoes in eternity and that never loses its urgency. Today’s Gospel shows the God of the universe visiting his people in humble attire and setting about the work of salvation. And he doesn’t save us in one fell swoop or in a solo superhero mission—he walks among us, calling each of us by name, and inviting us with the simple and powerful call: “follow me.” In these early weeks of Ordinary Time, the stage is being set for the most epic events of salvation history. And unlike the adventure movies where we are merely spectators, the story of salvation is still unfolding, and as Jesus assembles his team we are invited to come along.

Jule Coppa, Penn Campus Minister


Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Second Sunday in Ordinary Time