Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear friends,
Today we launch the Stewardship Campaign! I didn’t understand it too much at the beginning, but now I am loving it. I heard a priest saying: “Stewardship is all that follows after I say: I believe (Amen)”... and it's so simple and healthy!!
As Christians we believe in radical Love, that the “radix” of everything is Agape (gratuitous unconditional love). This month is an opportunity to contemplate and freely act upon our giftedness. It is a call to conversion, which means “rotating with”. A convert turns the eyes of his soul (with the Holy Spirit) towards God daily. We want to rotate, look towards Him, the Source of every heartbeat, of your breathing, your thinking and being unique, or your being free and lovable. Because I want to be a healthier person I gaze back at My (Our) Beloved Father.
Stewardship is the lifestyle of a Beloved Child, of him/her who lives facing the inexhaustible source of Life, the Father. In this sense is living in permanent conversion, facing our souls towards a Father that says “all that I have is yours” (Lk 15:31).
According to the pastoral letter, stewards (christians in permanente conversion) do four things:
receive God's gifts gratefully
nurture God's gifts responsibly
share God's gifts justly and charitably
return those gifts to God abundantly
Gratitude is the immediate response and cornerstone of a disciple who lives facing the Father, the Source of every blessing. Everything will be bathed with the light of faith and recognized as a GIFT. This is the immediate joy of a child, ALL IS FREE!! Then, a steward child becomes serious about NAMING and DEVELOPING the gifts and talents that have been received. And finally SHARES.
God bless you!
Fr. Remi, SCV