Solemnity of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

Today we celebrate the solemnity of Christ the King! This is the end of the liturgical year and we want to finish having Christ reigning over everything in our life! When this happens something truly amazing happens: we live in the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of peace and justice! This is the state for which our hearts have been created and are longing for! 

The King is no ordinary King and therefore his Kingdom is not a kingdom from this world although it is in this world already. He is a crucified King! The King of love, the King of sacrifice and giving. Normally when we think of a king we do not picture him on a cross. Jesus teaches true leadership. That is servant leadership: To lay down your life for those God has entrusted you. This is definitely impossible for us. Don'’ think of this as another choir in your life. But little by little allow Jesus to reign in your heart and he will transform it to be a heart like His.

We couldn’t have asked for a better way to bring up the topic of giving in our stewardship campaign. These last three weeks we have been going through the authentic reason for giving. That is: God loved us first and called us to be his children and to follow him! We have been blessed with so many things and out of a loved heart comes love. So we want to ask you in a very special way to take some time during this thanksgiving season to prudently consider how you can help our parish continue fulfilling its mission. When you pray about this, think of the other many responsibilities you have and consider how God is calling you in this particular place to help. Don’t give just so that you don’t feel guilty. Give because you love! Give because you believe! Give because you want to help other people to heal, to learn and to discover the greatness of God!  

May God continue to bless you abundantly!

Fr. Carlos


1st Sunday of Advent


Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time